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Incoloy® Alloy 825

Common Trade Names: Incoloy 825, Alloy 825, Nickelvac 825, Nicrofer 4241.

INCOLOY® alloy 825 (UNS N08825, W.Nr. 2.4858) is a nickel-iron-chromium alloy with additions of molybdenum, copper, and titanium. The nickel content is sufficient for resistance to chloride-ion stress-corrosion cracking. The nickel, in conjunction with the molybdenum and copper, also gives outstanding resistance to reducing environments such as those containing sulfuric and phosphoric acids. The molybdenum also aids resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion. The alloy’s chromium content confers resistance to a variety of oxidizing substances such as nitric acid, nitrates and oxidizing salt. The titanium addition serves, with an appropriate heat treatment, to stabilize the alloy against sensitization to intergranular corrosion.

Available Product Forms: 
Pipe, tube, sheet, strip, plate, round bar, flat bar, forging stock, hexagon and wire.

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INCOLOY® Alloy 825 is designated as UNS N08825 and Werkstoff Number 2.4858. It is listed in NACE MR0175 for oil and gas service. 

Rod, Bar, Wire and Forging Stock: BS 3076NA16, ASTM B 425, ASTM B 564, ASME SB 425, ASME SB 564, ASME Code Case N-572, DIN 17752, DIN 17753, DIN 17754, VdTÜV 432, ISO 9723, ISO 9724, ISO 9725.

Plate, Sheet and Strip: BS 3072NA16, BS 3073NA16, ASTM B 424, ASTM B 906, ASME SB 424, ASME SB 906, DIN 17750, VdTÜV 432, ISO 6208.

Pipe and Tube: BS 3074NA16, ASTM B 163, ASTM B 423, ASTM B 704, ASTM B 705, ASTM B 751, ASTM B 775, ASTM B 829, ASME SB 163, ASME SB 423, ASME SB 704, ASME SB 705, ASME SB 751, ASME SB 775, ASME SB 829, ASME Code Case 1936, DIN 17751, VdTÜV 432, ISO 6207.
Others: ASTM B 366, ASME SB 366, DIN 17744 

Trademark Notice: Some names are trade names and/or trademarks of specific manufacturers. American Special Metals, Corp. is not affiliated with any manufacturer(s). Orders will be filled to meet specifications from any available source(s). Names are listed solely for reference to help identify products consistent with listed specifications.

Incoloy® Alloy 825  is a Registered Trademark of Special Metals Corporation and Its subsidiaries.

American Special Metals, Corp. makes all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the data in this document but makes no representations or warranties as to the data’s accuracy, correctness or reliability. All data are for general information only and not for providing design advice. It is the responsibility of the user to test specific alloys under actual service conditions to determine their suitability for a particular purpose.

Chemical Composition

Limiting Chemical Composition, %  by Weight  

Molybdenum ...................................................................2.5-3.5
Carbon........................................................................0.05 max.
Aluminum......................................................................0.2 max.

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